Exclusive invite for the OVER-achieving & UNDER-receiving woman who is “stuck in her masculine” and all of the card-carrying members of the frustrated, short-tempered, know-it-all wive's club and stretched-thin martyr moms who are ready to become:
A Luscious and Life-Giving Return to The Adored, Empowered & Primed-For-Pleasure Woman You Already Are
(So That You Can Break The Cycle of Overachieving & Undereceiving and
Finally Sink Back Into Sweetness, Softness & Ease )
The vision was clear.
Soft and dreamy. Dripped in gold. Wrapped in lace.
You desired to be her.
The adored wife.
The seen, appreciated, and“damn she’s got it” mom.
The soft CEO and success seductress wow’ing the world with her wide-open receivership of abundance, providership and devotional care.
All experienced through a vital body, safe-haven somatics and a relaxed system that feels equally-erogenous when grazed by the textures of mothering, business’ing or wife’ing.
Wasn’t that your birthright?
But somehow, somewhere, you got pulled off that dreamy path.
You lost sight of her. And in turn, slipped into the jagged lifescape of:
The business owner that just boss-babe’d her way to a promotion or record-setting month, but can’t take a spa day without feeling like she’s letting someone down or demanding too much by asking her team to run the show or her husband to watch the kids for exactly 3.7 hours.
The on-edge, “doing it all, while resenting everyone” mom, snapping at her kid for merely existing, and struggling to self-regulate-on-the-fly as they protest for six more minutes of screen-time or a non-organic slice of Betty Crocker at some kid’s party hosted by their basic-bitch mom who could care less that she just crashed the entire class’s insulin resistance.
(and why is no one else getting triggered? And why am I so judgy? And why-the-eff does my husband get to stay home? And why aren’t we homeschooling on our acreage farm yet? And why why why??).
Or maybe you’ve regressed into the intolerable hell of…
The wilting wife, closed-up and calloused by every cadaverous peck, weathered by the endless string of depolarized exchanges (hello parenting?), and wondering if the tortuous concoction of constant agitation, chronic disappointment and a stale, too-tight box of a marriage void of eros and charm has simply become your new normal.
And yeah. You know he hasn’t gotten “the best” of you in months or years either.
But because you now only know him through a contracted and rigid system governed by wounded parts waging a silent war who don’t even believe he’s deserving of it anymore — you can’t even fathom a devotional offering of respect, reverence or the lusty stuff without the sting of self-abandonment.
But still… would it kill him to tell you that you look hot in those new lulus?
In short…
You’ve accidentally enrolled yourself into an unbearable legacy of over-giving and under-receiving… and don’t know how to break the spell and divorce the bullsh*t without going feral and burning sh*t to the ground
You’re at your edge.
The silent scream rages louder inside — but still goes unheard by those around you. Especially those who you need to hear it.
You’ve tried to “talk about it”, but the only ones who get it are the other bitter, two-months-from-divorce women who can only affirm the agony and offer the so-called gift of shared suffering… and maybe a referral to a “great therapist” working next to the Starbucks of some suburban stripmall.
But you don’t want to express your feelings (again).
You don’t want to self-censor and speak ‘non-violently”.
There ain’t nothing “nonviolent” about it. Because…
This isn’t f*cking it.
Failing and flat-lining as you fight to uphold a reality that no longer turns you on?
Nope, not it.
Holding back the silent scream hoping that one day it just self-soothes back into a peace treaty with your business, your kids, your husband and reality itself?
Nope. You know “the body keeps score” and you’re really scared to look up at the scoreboard.
Waiting for some mythical “someday” when the kids are older, your man “gets it”, and everything just falls into place?
Urgent longings don’t tend to play nice with indefinite timelines.
Especially not when you feel tapped out, bled-dry and unloved by the constantly “Extracting Other”
Most days you feel like mother earth herself being drilled into for more oil — while you’re expected to be a grateful good-girl and say “more please” to some false-daddy who’s done nothing to earn the claim.
And even if you’ve mantra’d, mind-setted and “mental-health day’d” your way into toughing it out, weathering the storm, or stitching on the girl scout badge of resilience…
Your body is saying no. F*ck no, really.
It’s dried up, closed shut, and calcified within the posture of perpetual pissed-off-ness.
And all those “out of nowhere” symptoms like brain fog, bad sleep and gut bloat that refuses to shrink even after 19 Peloton sessions sweated out next to a digital army of Stepford Wives, are your body’s messengers telling you that it’s willing to self-destruct within some infernal, self-created hell-hole if that’s what it takes to make sure the “Extracting Other” doesn’t get another damn drop.
Which led you straight into the jaws of another trap — the false reclamation.
Maybe the pendulum swung too far the other way, and your legacy of over-giving shifted into an insistence in over-taking (not to be confused with receiving).
I mean, don’t they all know it’s your turn now? Didn’t they see the sacrifice? Didn’t they notice and appreciate all those so-called gifts you burnt yourself out to offer? Don’t they want to reciprocate with the soul-deep CPR needed to breathe life back into your inner martyr?
Problem is, “gifts” given with silent-scorn, shadow resentment, and severe dysregulation rarely get experienced as life-giving by others.
And now the entitled battlecry of “it’s my turn to take” is only turning them off more and making you feel even more abandoned and uncared for.
Cause yeah… what business, child, husband or sky-daddy wants to gift it all to the wounded woman who feels perpetually owed-to and insistent on collecting.
Fair or not, as you’ve experienced, a violent reclamation never yielded lasting harmony.
A dysregulated reclamation is unclean and “takes” from all those it perceives has taken.
It doesn’t enrich relationships.
It doesn’t expand abundance.
It’s a harsh and rigid “f-you” to the perceived oppressors and “extracting others” that your internatlized filters made your husband, your employees, your children or your career to be.
Your step-by-step roadmap to answer the question your symptoms are asking, resolve their root cause, and finally come home to yourself.
You squeeze into the sexy red dress to tap into your maiden/huntress.
And it all works for a split second until you sober back up, self-diminish, and your wired-for-defeat nervous system tells you you’re just playing some ridiculous game of spiritual dressup.
From here, you may come to the truth that:
You can sit in circle, draw cards, track cycles, juice cleanse and cast spells all day long… but without a nervous system wired for your f*ck yes, you’ll continue to ONLY be available for your f*ck no.
Your nervous system controls every system in your body (think hormones, digestion, detox) and is responsible for how well you handle “negative” emotions and how well you hold “positive” ones.
And when you’re relating to your man, your business or your kids through the somatic lens of fight, flight, freeze and “f*ck off”...
Nothing. I repeat nothing they do (or don’t do) will ever signal safety (let alone) ecstatic pleasure, safety and abundance in your body.
But on the other hand…
A Woman With a Calm & Open Nervous System
is an Ecstatic Force of Nature
A relaxed woman is the most powerful woman on this plane.
She manifests support — compels care and adoration — and lives her life through a spacious and pleasurable sense of ease that’s undeniably magnetic to men, money and her highest timeline.
You may think that you need to “practice,” “learn,” or “study” how to be more soft, slow, abundant, and pleasure-led.
You may think you need to find the perfect couples’ therapist to get your man to see what you’ve been needing.
You may think that you need to hire that business or marketing coach who will ease the pressure and crack the code of your work life balance. But…
What you really need is a safe and sound nervous system so you can soften, receive, slow down and shed the achiever identity that has you running ragged.
Your femininity naturally and spontaneously emerges when you feel safe.
Here’s the wide-open secret:
It’s not going to come from “out there”.
Your man, team or business may be of service (or disservice), but they aren’t the cure.
And you most certainly won’t get it from a prescription pad.
It’s you, lovely.
It’s where your silent rage turns into sacred self-care.
It’s where you initiate your own inner masculine into devoted guardianship of your pristine, “it’s time to f*cking play” feminine.
And it’s where you learn how to gift this safety to yourself and to attract those who love offering it so that you can finally shift out of your chronic vigilance, your weekly headaches, or your lifelong fatigue or insomnia — no doctor, therapist or guru required.
And when you’re ready, it will be my own pulsing pleasure to welcome you into:
A Luscious and Life-Giving Return Back to The Adored, Empowered & Primed-For-Pleasure Woman You Forgot You Already Are
Vital is a brand new offering designed for women like you to reset their mind, reclaim their health, and recode their system for pleasure, joy, abundance and sweet feminine softness across all the roles they’ve been gifted in their lives.
Presently Sells For $3,000
You’ll set your foundation with our history-making flagship program, Vital Mind Reset.
Over 2,500 women have experienced the magic of this 44 day holistic protocol that leaves no stone unturned in healing your nervous system, detoxing your body and resolving all those weird-ass and unrelenting symptoms that are quickly bridging into “scary territory”.
Expertly layering in diet, detox, and deep spiritual work, and backed by dozens of published medical studies and randomized clinical trials, VMR is quite possibly the most proven and tested natural healing protocol on the planet.
Expose and bust the myths that are keeping you tired, confused and burnt out
Prepare yourself for healing by removing the inner (and outer) obstacles that stand in your way
Nurture and support your microbiome and get to know your gut so you can move towards healing any inflammation and connection-killing mood imbalances that your current diet might be causing
Activate your energy, honor your emotions and stabilize your nervous system to affirm your safety (aka initiate your own inner masculine) rather than seeking it from “out there”
Help you remove the hidden toxins lurking around your home that are sabotaging your physical health and mental vitality
Life-restoring nutrition protocols and meal plans to help you learn how to listen to your body so that you can give it what it needs to energize a more vital life
Identify the real causes of anxiety, depression, and stress and resolve and re-harmonize them at their roots. No band-aid solutions here.
Learn how to hear and discern your body’s messages, harnessing your power to heal
Simple, short daily meditations that help your nervous system deal with whatever this world decides to throw at you
10 Days in, and I can already feel the benefits
"Two months ago, I sat in my psychiatrist’s office, crying tears of frustration as I was handed another prescription. I could tell my body would fight it before it would adequately relieve my debilitating depression and anxiety. [Fast forward, and now] I’m so thankful for Kelly Brogan, VMR and for this courageous field of health seekers. Ten days in, and I can already feel the benefits of daily meditation. I am hopeful and excited. Joy is creeping back into my life!"
- Meredith
From fear and distrust, to such deep reverence and trust for my body
"This program shifts your entire perspective and relationship with your body. Mine went from one of fear and distrust, pathologizing myself all the time. To such a deep place of reverence and trust for my body. [Before VMR,] I didn't know what it was like to have self-ownership or believe in the body’s intelligence. The gift of this reset is it helps you untangle the indoctrination we’ve all experienced. There's nothing like believing in your body's ability to heal. Once you see it, there’s no going back."
- VMR Student
A Deeper Gift Than I Could Possibly Express
"My entire life has revolved around an intense striving to be better. I was attuned to struggle and suffering. I believed my value was how much pain I could push through. Over the past 44 days, I could truly feel that falling away. This has been a deeper gift than I could possibly express. Being able to feel the enjoyment of inhabiting a body feels like a miracle."
- Erin
What Kelly and Jamie are offering is definitely needed all over the world
"I’ve been in many groups about all things spiritual and well-being.The amount of reiki, meditation, sound bath, and cold water plunges, but not one person mentioned sending safety to the body. This isn’t a knock to those practices, but what Kelly and Jamie are offering is definitely needed all over the world. For those starting out on this path, I’m rooting for you."
- Paula
Here’s where our journey together takes on a juicy and delightful detour.
While VMR is linear, structured and offers the necessary masculine containment to hold you in the crucible of healing and restoration…
Part 2 is where you get to go wild and follow your newly-heightened feminine intuition.
Here’s the secret:
A reset system craves re-coding. It desires new possibilities and textures to “try on” so that you don’t slip back into old, non-serving patterns.
In our Rewire phase, you’ll sample from a sweet table of new possibility fields across your mothering, wife’ing and business life.
Here’s how it breaks down:
Value: $1,000
In Vital Mothering, you’ll dive into a curated selection of workshops, masterclasses and interviews to help you expand into a new iteration of motherhood that gives and nourishes more than it takes and depletes.
At the core you’ll shift from feeling victimized by the mothering experience (and all its demands), resolving any subtle blame and resentment you have against your man (or reality itself), and embrace a new, soft and playful form to move you through this sacred role in the most ecstatic of ways.
Master the tools to fully accept, approve of, and forgive yourself — no conditions attached
Decode the hidden drivers behind toxic mothering, and transform the life-draining dynamics once and for all
Essential strategies for reclaiming your power and self-possession while navigating the challenges of motherhood
Why embracing sacred selfishness is the only way to raise a generation free from victimhood
The exact steps to partner with your children in a non-authoritarian, empowering way
The surprising reason I left Waldorf education, and what it taught me about parenting
Learn how to uncover lingering family imprints and alchemize them into strength, grace, and freedom
Break free from the father and mother wounds, and restore balance to your life and lineage
Discover the greatest gift you can give your children — and why it’s also the gift you most deserve
How to respond to damaging statements like “You should be grateful” and turn them into growth opportunities
Value: $1,000
Imagine a business, career or money-life that feels life-giving instead of extracting? Imagine shifting out of victim-paradigms where you feel depleted, exhausted, and “giving more than you’re receiving” without the opp to slow-down, exhale and enjoy all you’ve even cultivated financially?
In this curated collection of permission slips (that features our Audacious Entrepreneurship masterclass), you’ll both dare to dream — AND start getting the practical tools, strategies and mindsets needed to surrender into your next level of business expansion and financial receivership.
Unlock the secret behind “sacred prostitution” as the key to entrepreneurial success — and why it’s not what you think but everything you need
How to transform haters (and all that nasty chaos) into your biggest source of love and clarity
The surprising connection between financial scarcity and your “divided will”— and how to heal it for good
Why “working soft” is the ultimate power move, and how it can revolutionize your business model
What happens when you finally legitimize your stuckness (hint: freedom starts here)
Discover the “attention spectrum” that determines how much success you can truly handle — and how to expand your limits
What the “eros of judgment” reveals about your deepest desires — and how it fuels business breakthroughs
Why delegation isn’t just about efficiency but your hidden path to more creativity and joy (and how to start calling in the true support you need)
How to align your feminine and masculine “money love languages” to unlock lasting abundance
Value: $1,000
Whether you’re the most obnoxiously in-love couple on the damn block; or the flat-lining couple fighting through stagnancy, stale-ness and stubborn patterns of closure and disconnection…
Our final offering from the sweet table of permission slips will expose your newly-expanded system into new templates for healthy, thriving and “damn this feels good” relationships.
Featuring our best-selling masterclass “Relationship Real-Talk” as well as a curated selection of interviews, truth-transmissions and other unreleased material, you’ll sample from juicy new ideas that can give rise to radical new shifts in the way you relate (and how you inspire your man to relate with you):
How to recognize disempowerment in your relationship — and why it often feels like “just the way it is.”
The real reason you keep dating men who disappoint you, and how to finally call in your King
Trauma bonds explained: The hidden dynamics behind attraction, rupture, and realness
The simplest phrase to validate your feelings, and reclaim your emotional power in any moment
The belief driving your love life: How to uncover it and shift it to align with what you truly deserve
My personal 3 must-haves in a relationship—are you asking for enough?
How to move from powerless victim to magnetic creatrix in your love story
Polarity in action: What balancing masculine and feminine energy really looks like in modern relationships
The subtle ways you might be violating your own boundaries, and how to stop
Why being “right” is costing you the intimacy and connection you deeply crave
Value: $1,000
You’re not meant to walk the path back to health, vitality and loving reclamation on your own. In fact, you’re probably SO done feeling like you’re the only woman in your circle who “gets it” — and long for those sovereign sisters who can truly see you, witness you, and walk with you across your lushy new lifescape.
In addition to our membership area “Vital Life Project” which features a treasure trove of secret content (including our Sovereignty Series) — you’ll get TWO live group coaching calls with Kelly Brogan personally.
Here’s what you’ll enjoy:
An Exclusive Library with content you won’t see anywhere else, including my library of masterclasses and health hacks, embodiment exercises, and assessments you can use to amplify or jumpstart your healing.
Reclamation Real Talks. Discover how to heal victim consciousness and step into your power around money, friendship, addiction, relocation, and more.
Sovereignty Series. Access a living library of polarizing, radical truth-telling on topics like conscious pregnancy release, moving into the private sphere, gardening for survival, the healing power of urine therapy, and more.
2 Live Group Coaching Calls (dates tbd) so that you can ask q’s, receive guidance, and feel a “living connection” to the global circle of other women walking the Vital path.
"VLP has been a safe haven of sorts for me over the last year. I have found it to be a space of solace amidst what feels like the rocky terrain of today’s world. When I step into a VLP circle, group chat, or live meetup, I can take a deep breath and remember that I am among like-minds who will support and encourage my growth and exploration. This allows me to feel like I’m not alone in my journey"
- Sunny
"As a previous lone wolf, truly reaching out is something of a challenge. Thanks Dr. Brogan and team, and fellow VLP members, for making this a space where vulnerability, curiosity, courage and honesty exist in abundance"
- Linda
"I feel less alone and less “crazy”. I cried tears of joy after the last Circle with Jamie because i felt so connected"
- VLP Member
"The circle with Jamie have been grounding and nourishing and I appreciate her fire and authenticity and realness"
- Paula
Vital Mind Reset Program & Protocol - Value: $3,000
Vital Mothering - Value: $1,000
Vital Money - Value: $1,000
Vital Relationship - Value: $1,000
Vital Community - Value: $200/year
Total Real-World Value: $6,000+
Everyday Investment:
I’m Dr. Kelly Brogan, a New York Times bestselling author, eye-brow raising Joe Rogan guest, and a former Ivy-League-trained psychiatrist turned rebel healer. My own diagnosis of Hashimoto’s shattered my faith in conventional medicine and awakened me to a deeper truth: vitality is your birthright, and it starts with reclaiming your body’s deepest wisdom and natural capacity for healing and wholeness.
I know the ache of burnout, the hollow victories, and the silent scream for freedom. Now, I help women unlock their radiance, get their nervous system back on their side, and move from fear to fierce aliveness. Together, we’ll rewrite your story, rewire your body for more pleasure, and reclaim all the juiciness you throught had already slipped down the existential drain. And oh yeah —and it’s going to feel amazing.
"Kelly Brogan, MD, stands out as a true beacon for women’s health, helping you remember that we were born to be healthy and fulfilled. . . . What a breath of fresh air!"
Christiane Northrup, MD
New York Times bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
"…will wake you up out of the haze of overwhelm, numbness, and resentment so you can compassionately understand yourself and struggles before leading you back home to your body and soul."
Dr. Nicole Lepera
Author of the #1 New York Times bestseller How to Do the Work
"…a powerful invitation to dream big, enjoy your innate feminine power, and live the life you know deep down is possible."
Lauren Doyle
New York Times bestselling author of The Surrendered Wife
"Kelly is one of the most brilliant minds I have met. Her ability to tune into the kernel of an issue and to create a potent solution for it is unparalleled.
Emily Fletcher
Founder of Ziva & best selling author
"With compassion and precision wrought from both her own embodied wisdom and also from her deep medical knowledge, Dr. Brogan cleans out festering lies. . . . I want everyone alive… to endure the sting of truth, and to emerge from the experience healed and refreshed, ready to create the new culture of devotion to truth, self-responsibility, and genuine eros which we all need to thrive."
Dr. Carolyn Lovewell
Author of Existential Kink: Unmask Your Shadow and Embrace Your Power
You’ve done the f*cking work. And yea, sure, you’re cool with more. But my gawd, there’s gotta be some damn juice to it this time
You no longer get off on the gold stars, “atta girl’s” or fake glitz of a “put together’ but barely held together life.
You’re Done Waiting For Things to magically get better (or counting on others to do it for you)
You’re done kinking out on victimhood. You’re done waiting for a “saviour”.
Vital Mind Reset Program & Protocol - Value: $3,000
Vital Mothering - Value: $1,000
Vital Money - Value: $1,000
Vital Relationship - Value: $1,000
Vital Community - Value: $200/year
Total Real-World Value: $6,000+
Everyday Investment:
So yea, this page is a lil psychic. It hears those voices of protest and concern (all normal btw). Let’s break gluten-free bread with’em shall we?
You won’t make time for this.
You’ll reclaim time for this.
Not as an f-you to the “extracting others”, but as a devotional offering back to yourself — and the woman you want to re-meet in sacred embrace, and then re-introduce to your man, your kids, and your business or career.
If necessary, you’ll reclaim some time from that 9:32 pm IG Reels numbout. You’ll invite your man to kid-proof that space. You’ll make yourself unavailable to that client, boss, co-worker that always has “just one more thing”.
And if that’s just “not practical”, “not realistic” or “only available for those lucky and supported women, but not for me”...
Then I’d dare say that the spell-break in reclaiming that time will be even more ecstatic and liberating as you slide off the self-sacrificial timeline that you’ve accidentally consented to, and instead invite the support and care from those around you.
I’m not your accountant or financial advisor.
Nor am I available for that roleplay.
But here’s what I will say…
This investment in your long-term health, vitality, and pleasure-led pursuit for more “f*ck ya” in your relationship, mothering and career is worth a whole lot more than:
=> An iPhone 16 Pro Max (all the better to numb you with, my dear)
=> An unhinged Lulu spree to temporarily silence the inner scream
=> A “girls weekend” in Vegas or Miami (aka a short-lived balm that wears off the moment you step back in the arrivals terminal and seek out an uber instead of your adoring man)
=> Or y’know… tolerating an a few more months, years or decades of silent screams, escalating symptoms, and stinging resentment towards all those you covertly blame for draining the life force out of you.
Yes. And so much more.
Vital Mind Reset is a history-making program (and health protocol) with hundreds of documented case studies and published medical literature which you can check out here
It’s not some cutesy somatic technique or nervous system hack picked up off a tik-tok vid… but a holistic, systematic and science-backed system for lasting results.
But Vital goes beyond just “healing”.
After all, once factory settings are reset, how you express this newfound capacity will make all the difference between upgrading your life-scape, or slipping back into the old one.
This is where Vital Money, Vital Relationship & Vital Mothering will help introduce your new, relaxed and expanded system into a new set of possibilities and permission slips that create ripples of ecstatic change in your life.
In short, Vital is both a healing and a cultivation program.
Resetting and recoding.
And damn you’ll love it.
The program works. Period.
It’s also a highly-initiatory “point of no return” — and nothing can sabotage your progress quicker than the idea of some artificial escape door.
A half-hearted entry point won’t work here.
If your “no” is stronger than your “yes” — then I’ll politely suggest that this isn’t the right time for you to consider Vital.
But if your fierce yes is accompanied by some inner-parts (oh hello victim), whispering its siren song of self-sabotage and self-defeat… then that’s normal.
There’s room for that. Expect it. It shall pass.
I love that you’re asking.
And it all depends on how you and your man manage finances, your explicit or implicit agreements, and ultimately what feels most liberating, empowering and integrity-based.
You should not, I repeat you should not sneak your way in as a silent “f-you” or payback for the plasma screen or boy’s weekend he purchased 4 years ago without your consent.
Nor should you be in a place of pleading for permission or of feeling you need to defend or justify yourself.
If you're desiring more guidance in this area — and for all your audacious asks — I recommend exploring the section "The Art of Asking for What You Want" on page 181 of my latest book, The Reclaimed Woman.
This program is for anyone looking to treat their symptoms naturally, and it's not just for women! Whether you are new to “eating clean” and living a holistic lifestyle, or you’re already familiar with this lifestyle, this protocol will give you the tools for a new start. This diet plan isn’t your average 100% organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, corn-free elimination diet — it's a carefully selected list of foods that Dr. Brogan has identified as potential culprits behind your symptoms. The combination of the core elements of this program during a dedicated 44-day window has helped many resolve lifelong symptoms. We know there are many dietary and detox protocols out there, but this one is different.
This program will cover critical health freedom topics, like:
This program will empower you to:
If you already eat clean, meditate, detox, and understand the importance of these pillars of wellness, the VMR program can still be supportive! We believe that this program will give you a unique opportunity to focus on all of these elements in a dedicated container. Many have found that just being in the VMR space was the missing link in their healing journey.
Diet is the core element of this program and the ability to source food and prepare meals (or have them prepared) is critical. The program does not provide meal prep support.
The Vital Mind Reset program can be done by anyone looking to achieve mental health and wellness naturally. Dr. Brogan used this same protocol for each patient, no matter their diagnosis or medical history. Women and men around the world have successfully treated not only mental health disorders with this program, but some have seen total resolution of symptoms like insomnia, brain fog, fatigue, blood sugar imbalance, and thyroid disorders, to name a few. This program was not specifically designed for weight loss.
The Vital Mind Reset program is appropriate for all stages of your health journey. Dr. Brogan used this protocol in her practice to help patients heal without medications, with patients hoping to taper, and with patients hoping to recover from withdrawal symptoms after stopping medications. We believe that it’s never too late to benefit from the VMR program on your healing journey. This program will not require you to stop or taper your medications, and it is not just for those who are on medications. Many people choose to explore medication tapers following the program. Before Dr. Brogan made any changes to a patient’s medication dose, they engaged a program almost identical to this one. It is important that the body and mind be optimized prior to careful medication tapers. The tapering process is highly individualized, so it’s not possible to provide specific tapering instructions that everyone can follow in this program. However, our bonus module on tapering that unlocks after the 44 days includes some resources that we think will be helpful if tapering is something you wish to pursue.
You should consult your personal physician or mental health professional before you initiate any program. This program is not meant to diagnose or treat any disease. You may have special dietary considerations to consider. Everyone is different.
We encourage all those interested in exploring lifestyle medicine to work with a practitioner versed in the art and science of nutritional healing. Referral engines are linked on our resources page. Unfortunately, nutrition is not a part of conventional medical training, so consultation with an allopathic MD may leave you feeling confused.
While the core of the VMR program centers around a diet that is rich in animal foods as a tool for healing the mind and body, we’ve recently added vegetarian recipes for those with personal or ethical concerns, which Dr. Brogan discusses more here.
It’s worth noting that Dr. Brogan does not have clinical data from her medical practice or VMR program suggesting that a fully vegetarian diet will result in the same outcomes discussed here. We believe that a vegetarian diet during VMR will be more for those who are looking to optimize health, rather than those who are dealing with acute issues.
Our meal plans are not entirely vegan-friendly.
The success that we know is possible through this program and discuss on this page is based on the original diet consisting of animal foods. Therefore, we do not endorse the vegetarian diet we include for radical healing or for anyone with the intention of a medication taper. However, we do think it’s still possible to benefit from this program in some way while following the other elements of the program.
Please also note that the program content will still reference the benefits of an animal foods diet.
Each lesson is available in text and audio, and includes a brief video from Dr. Brogan with her key takeaways. In addition to weekly lessons and meditation videos, the program offers worksheets, meal plans, recipes and shopping lists that you can download.
The VMR diet most closely resembles the popular Whole30 diet, with additional eliminations.
The diet in this protocol will begin on day 16 after approximately two weeks of mindset shifts. The diet instructions will be made available on day 12 and you will be expected to begin on day 16 and continue until day 44. You do not need to be prepared to begin the diet on day one!
Yes! Joining VMR will give you access to comprehensive meal plans, shopping lists and recipes you can follow. However, you don’t need to follow the recipes or meal plans to achieve success in this program. As long as you follow our recommended “foods to avoid” guidelines, you can eat anything you want in any quantity.
Meditation is a vital part of the program and Dr. Brogan shares her expertise in kundalini yoga within each module. The lessons feature a 3-minute video guiding you through each meditation, or “kriya.” If you find that kundalini is not for you, you are welcome to meditate any way you choose.
The VMR program covers many of the same principles you will find in Dr. Brogan’s books, NYT Bestseller A Mind of Your Own and Own Your Self. While the books include an outline of the same protocol and just a few recipes to get started, the online program takes your healing journey to the next level. The course is designed as a step-by-step, “one day at a time” guide through the program, with lessons broken down into 44 days. The program also includes a trove of resources that you won’t find in the books, including a coffee enema guide, shopping lists, meal plans, over 50 recipes, meditation videos, a guide for beyond the 44 days, and more!
This investment is a non-refundable purchase. We do not offer refunds or payment plan cancellations before, during, or after the program for any reason.
We would recommend anyone considering joining this group to read this page in its entirety, and to ask our team any remaining questions prior to registration. You can read our detailed policy here.
The VMR program was designed so that anyone can take control of their own healing. The protocol and lessons in the program are essentially the same as what Dr. Brogan used with her patients, no matter the diagnosis or medical history.
The program does not include personalized access, calls, sessions, testing or medical history review with Dr. Brogan or her team.
Any personal questions related to your medical history or current conditions are best directed to your holistically-minded practitioner.
Many ask if we are able to provide a formal invoice for their purchase to submit to insurance. Please note that by purchasing VMR, you are not considered to be a patient of Dr. Brogan. Therefore, we are not able to provide this information.
The program will ask you to eat 100% organic for 30 days, which may be an added expense for those not eating this way prior to the program.
Coffee enemas are also recommended in the program and the supplies needed can cost around $50 depending on what items you may already have at home.
You'll be asked to cook all meals in non-toxic cookware, so this may be the greatest expense for those who only have non-stick cookware at home.
You'll also be asked to start replacing all toxic cleaning and personal care products. These replacements can be gradual and do not have to happen all at once or be completed before the program is finished.
The program does not include supplements.
Because of the level of personal commitment required to complete this program, we do not recommend that you register on behalf of another or purchase this program as a gift. If you choose to do this, kindly note our refund policy.
The VMR protocol is meant to be done over 44 consecutive days. The program materials are released on a schedule, so you will only have access to the next 6-8 days as the program progresses. For best results, we do not recommend reading more than one lesson each day.
If you find that you'd like to go through at a slower pace, you can feel free to do so. However, the results discussed on this page are based on doing the program as presented. The diet should be done for 30 consecutive days.
Many people join the program hoping to gain access to the diet information or our medication tapering resources on day one. Please be aware that we are not able to unlock modules or program content in advance of the fixed schedule. We understand that many of you come to us at different intervals of this journey, but in order to ensure that this protocol is being done safely and will produce the best results, we are not able to honor requests to expedite content release.
For best results, we recommend beginning the program at a time that's easiest for you to commit to the radical lifestyle change to come. The results we discuss are possible only through 30 consecutive days of the diet. We don't suggest you begin the program if you have travel planned, a move, a special event, visitors, or won't have access to your own kitchen during the 44 days. If you are not able to commit to doing this program for 30 consecutive days once the diet begins on day 12, we recommend purchasing at another time.
All participants will have 3-month access starting on January 7th, 2025 to the Vital program. Vital Life Project Community access starts on the date of purchase with a free 30 days, and then your credit card will be charged $20 a month thereafter.
Vital Mind Reset Program & Protocol - Value: $3,000
Vital Mothering - Value: $1,000
Vital Money - Value: $1,000
Vital Relationship - Value: $1,000
Vital Community - Value: $200/year
Total Real-World Value: $6,000+
Everyday Investment: