Ready to break the spell of victimhood?

Restore your connection to your feminine wildness, heal your struggle-obsessed parts, and build a hell-yes life with other women walking the walk.

Join our Women's Coaching Circle at ANY Time.

An intimate container to grow your permission field, claim your powers, ease into the practice of self-alignment 

There is no greater medicine than a woman showing up for herself in the loving presence of other women doing the same. 

If you feel the absence of an aligned community like a gaping wound…

Or you're stuck in narrow bands of emotional permission, looping on overwhelm, disappointment, and isolation…

Feel our hands guiding you forward. 

We’re bringing together just 25 women into an intimate circle to be mirrors for each other.

Coming together as women allows us to alchemize our shame, generate safety from within, & inspire each other toward our deepest callings in this lifetime.

We’ll carve the path home to ourselves by…

  • Honoring each other’s truth, recognizing that truth, when un-metabolized, manifests as symptoms that require our attention. We’ll practice holding space for the body’s expressions without fear or control, building our capacity to call in our desires, and regulating our systems together, remembering that trust and safety within the self ultimately heals all “dis-ease.”
  • Relating to our inner dimensions with curiosity. When we do this, the parts addicted to struggle and self-betrayal can be liberated to support our creativity, aliveness, and self-containment. 
  • Remembering we already have everything we need. This container isn’t about showing you something you don’t already know–it’s about coming together and learning to trust our own light again.

If up until now you’ve had trouble finding the community of women who get you, know that we’re waiting for you.

Reclaimed Women's Circle is facilitated by Jamie Davidson, Master Coach, and long time friend and co-facilitator of Kelly Brogan. Jamie has supported thousands on this Journey alongside Kelly.

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 3PM EST.


What other women are saying:
