About Kelly Brogan

KELLY BROGAN, MD, is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the New York Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, the children’s book, A Time For Rain, and co-editor of the landmark textbook Integrative Therapies for Depression.

I had the pleasure of being interviewed for the Kevin Geary’s Rebooted Body podcast. If you don’t know Kevin, he transformed himself from an overweight borderline diabetic who struggled to lose weight the conventional way, into a holistic health coach who uses the tenets of ancestral health to help people achieve results similar to his.

On Kevin’s show, I talked about how to Reboot Your Pregnancy.

  • Why you should trust your body more than you trust your OB
  • The top 3 foods you should be eating
  • The top 3 foods you should stay away from
  • Why ultrasounds might not be a great idea
  • Natural birth versus c-sections
  • and much much more.

Find the podcast here and learn more about Kevin Geary’s Rebooted Body program.