Parenting Lies You Were Told (Kelly Brogan Exposes the Truth)

About the episode
If you want to feel more empowered in ALL of your relationships, end the cycles of pain in your mother line, and feel more confident as a parent, join Kelly for Victimless Mothering.
In this episode, you'll learn why children owe parents nothing beyond gratitude for life, how micromanaging your child's space can disconnect them from intrinsic motivation, why control-based parenting breeds entitlement, and how shifting to a devotional approach to motherhood creates a deeper connection.
[00:00] Introduction
[00:30] The mother-child relationship is the deepest form of intimacy
[01:15] The habit of micromanaging children's spaces
[02:10] How control-based parenting impacts kids
[03:05] Teaching kids compliance vs. true cooperation
[04:00] Understanding the hidden motives behind parenting rules
[05:00] Why children only owe parents gratitude for life
[06:10] The natural flow of giving from parent to child
[07:05] Recognizing the burden of transactional love
[08:00] How unmet childhood needs shape parenting behaviour
[09:15] Letting go of expectations for children’s appreciation
[10:00] Why it’s okay if children never reciprocate gestures
[11:10] The power of giving without expecting anything in return
[12:05] How control-based parenting creates entitlement
[13:00] Teaching kids intrinsic motivation instead of compliance
[14:05] The issue with forcing kids to clean their rooms
[15:00] Encouraging kids to take ownership of their space
[16:10] How parents project their own discomfort onto their kids
[17:00] Shifting from control to true service in parenting
[18:00] Recognizing martyrdom and self-pity in motherhood
[19:10] Prioritizing motherhood over career and personal goals
[20:05] The mindset shift from burden to privilege in parenting
[21:00] The importance of truly listening to children
[22:00] Letting go of the need to control your child’s choices
Resources Mentioned:
Family Constellation Training | Website
Instagram: @kellybroganmd
Join Kelly's monthly membership, Vital Life Project here.
Get Kelly’s new book The Reclaimed Woman here and join the companion program, Reclaimed, here.